Top 10 tips for becoming a better dancer
I have been looking for tips for becoming a better dancer to share with you. No matter what your level of experience or preferred style of dance is, these 10 tips will help you become a better dancer.To become a good dancer takes effort and dedication. But it gives you higher level of joy and a sense of “freedom”. Dancing has always been and continues to grow as a big part of my life, and I would never want it not to be that way. It’s an expression of the my soul, my biggest love and passion!
When I started 12 years ago, I had the vision of wanting to become the best dancer. It took years of dedication. I Took as many classes as I could, attended parties to rehearse, joined several teams, spent countless hours rehearsing in the studio, in my room in the shower, on the streets and even in my dreams! I performed many choreographies and I learnt not only how to improve my dance skills, but find a way to create my own style. The best of all I have learnt more about myself and who I am as a person.
I wanted more! So I Traveled to look for the best teachers, not only in Salsa, but different dance styles like ballet, jazz, contemporary, vouge, waacking and house. Doing other dance styles made me understand my body better and improved my technique. After all, guess what? It’s a never ending journey. I still take classes to improve myself and to be inspired by others! After all, I discovered that It’s not about being the best dancer, but trying to be better than you were yesterday and be the best version of yourself.
Enjoy the process and never give up!
1.Find the right dance instructor
Have you ever had a teacher who made you feel great and brought the best out of you? Persevere in finding such a person and work with them on a regular basis in order to improve. Choose your instructor carefully if you are new to dance classes. A dance teacher not only teaches new steps and techniques, but also corrects mistakes. The more you dance, the more you realize what qualities you prefer in a dance instructor. If you have been taking lessons for a longer period and don’t seem to be improving, enjoying the class, or learning anything new, consider looking around for a different teacher.
2. Love it
If you want to dance, you’ve got to love it. If your heart is not into dancing, you will most likely give up when you cannot do certain moves, and this will decrease your sense of control and confidence.
3. Perfect your posture
Stand up straight, push your shoulders down and back, and hold your head up. It’s truly amazing what good posture does for a dancer.
4. Stretch
Daily stretching will make your body much more flexible. A big goal in dancing is to make each move look effortless. The more limber your legs are, the easier it will be to move them. Make it a habit to stretch every day. Flexibility is important.
5. Feel the movement
Let movement come from deep within, allowing it to emanate outwards. Try doing the moves with your eyes closed. Do each movement repeatedly to develop muscle memory.
6. Relax
Your body will dance its best in a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Teach yourself to unwind to the music.
7. Keep practising
Once you’ve learnt a few techniques, practise them at home on your own. Not only will you be getting good exercise, you’ll also be developing your technique and style. Watch other dancers on television, instructional DVDs, or in other venues and note body alignment, posture, and techniques. When you have free time, practise – just anywhere around your home. The more you practise, the more you develop your craft. Good technique is what separates good dancers from the best dancers. Learn new moves, but strive to perfect the skills of each step. Working towards a specific goal can accelerate your learning tenfold. Specific goals are critical to achieving success, because without them you will not be challenged to grow. If you have a specific goal, such as a competition, performance, or exhibition, you can be sure that you will improve and grow as a result of the pressure.
8. Surround yourself with positive people
Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about your dancing is key to performing well. Dancing is a visual art, and people who feel good about their dancing appear more confident and are more fun to watch. If you are around a negative group of people who isolate you or put you down, find a better crowd to associate with. Doing this will dramatically increase your happiness and performance.
9. Perform!
Be proud of your work and enjoy every performance! A smile is an expression of pleasure, happiness, or amusement. If you smile while you’re dancing, people will get the feeling that you love what you’re doing. Even if you are dancing alone, smile at yourself. You love to dance, so let it show!
10. Expect challenges, and don’t give up
Some days you’re going to dance poorly and feel tired, unfocused, and not confident. Accepting this reality can help you see it for what it is which is completely normal! Everyone has good days and bad days. The key to overcoming these challenges is to acknowledge the way you feel, tell someone you trust about it, and keep working hard in spite of it.
See you in class!! Love Joyce
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